Four Days Over Four Weeks
2020 Virtual Unconference Series
Four Consecutive Thursdays:
June 11, June 18, June 25, July 2
Session Abstract
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Session #
Data Science & AI
Time to put the BS in product – behavioral science that is
Our customers and colleagues are not rational so behavioral science is something we as product people cannot ignore. In this session we will go through a number of behavioral science concepts that are vital for product people to know, understand, and be able to use for good. We will go through a couple examples of products that have utilized behavioral science for good and evil.
Dave Mathias
Beyond the Data
Dave has been advising clients on strategy and data for 14+ years, helping them elevate their products and services with data and analytics. His passion is bringing together people, process, technology, and data to make the world a better place.
Dave is founder of Beyond the Data and prior to that has worked in product and innovation areas for companies like U.S. Bank, Aon, and Solera. He is co-host of the Data Able podcast and also speaks at conferences and conducts workshops around the world. Dave serves on the Board of Directors for MinneAnalytics and chairs ProductCamp Twin Cities, Twin Cities Data Viz Group, and Customer Focus North.
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