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The World's Largest Online International Product Camp

2021 ProductCamp ON>LINE™

June 2021

Videos and handouts are posted. We hope to see you at our next event.

Session Abstract

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Session #


Product Strategy

Pricing Your Products For Maximum Return

Pricing has a greater impact on your success than any other aspect of your business. Yet few companies give pricing the attention it deserves. In this thought-provoking session, you'll learn why pricing is far more than just choosing a number, and how to: • Create a pricing model that drives sustaining competitive advantages • Segment your target market for maximum return • Optimize your pricing model for market share, revenue, or profit We’ll explore theory, examples and practical steps showing how understanding Customer Perception of Value can help you deliver greater value to your customers — and earn more in return. Guarantee: Regardless of your level of pricing expertise, you will learn new, actionable steps to make a measurable impact on your company’s success.


Alan Albert



Alan Albert has led the creation of multiple top-selling and award-winning products, generating over $1 billion in revenue. He has co-founded three software companies, selling one — FileMaker Pro — to Apple Computer. Alan draws on over 30 years of leadership and hands-on success creating innovative products, in organizations from startups through Fortune 500 enterprises. Alan now leads MarketFit, providing customer-centric strategy- and business coaching to growing B2B and B2C product and services organizations. A recognized thought leader in maximizing customer perception of value and innovative value-based pricing, Alan also serves as board member and strategic advisor to high-growth businesses worldwide.

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