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Our 10th Anniversary conference

2019 Spring Onsite Conference

May 4, 2019



Session Abstract

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Session #

Career Development

Communication Tricks for Product Managers

Build team cohesion, trust, and alignment with these simple insights around talking listening, communicating and connecting. Leave with a new trick or 2!

This session will help us avoid struggling with sand castles and empire builders, and walls in your organization.


Dan Moore

CEO, Product Lead


A Georgia Tech graduate, Dan is a trained computer scientist who meticulously crafts ideas into scalable products. One for over-communication and a compulsive attention to detail, he coordinates Vaporware’s relationships with clients and partners, leads all product management, and still contributes quite a bit of code and design. Besides work he enjoys road cycling, board games, spending time with his son and wife, and hacking the latest gadgets.

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