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The World's Largest Online International Product Camp

2021 ProductCamp ON>LINE™

June 2021

Videos and handouts are posted. We hope to see you at our next event.

Session Abstract

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Session #



The Future Is Hybrid: How To Do Hybrid Teams Right

The Covid Pandemic has accelerated the ‘work from anywhere’ trend, and most experts believe we won’t return to previous levels of in-office work. To reduce expenses and meet employee requests, a large majority of employers predict they will allow many employees to work away from the office, at least part time. But leading a hybrid team is NOT the same as if everyone is remote. In this workshop, we'll discuss solutions to the unique challenges of a hybrid work environment, and you’ll walk away with a tailored set of action steps for your team.


Beth Matteotti


Distance Teaming, Inc.

Beth Matteotti is a Hybrid and Virtual Teaming expert with over 20 years in the trenches as a leader and facilitator - well before video conferencing was the norm. Her expertise lies in guiding remote and hybrid teams to infinitely better collaboration through the application of practical strategies and tools. The net result is teams that reach the highest levels of business and organizational growth.

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