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The World's Largest Online International Product Camp

2021 ProductCamp ON>LINE™

June 2021

Videos and handouts are posted. We hope to see you at our next event.

Session Abstract

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Session #


Career Development

Good PMs confidently manage products. Great PMs manage people’s confidence.

You nailed the requirements, the engineering processes, and the business plan. You may even be respected for your product knowledge, project management, and communication consistency. But you’re not called in to present to prospects or even to senior management. Instead of assuming its because you’ve equipped others so well, it’s likely because they lack confidence in you. Learn scientifically how to be a confidence crusader for your product and yourself.


Alyssa Dver


American Confidence Institute

Alyssa was one of the first certified product marketers and managers, and her 2003 book, “Software Product Management Essentials,” remains a business bible for many PMs. Currently, Alyssa is the founder & chair of the ERG Leadership Alliance, the largest global association with over 25,000 employee group champions working together so that everyone belongs. She also founded and leads the American Confidence Institute, which uses brain science to teach the skill of confidence.

Recognized by the Stevie Awards as a Thought Leader, Alyssa coaches at the MIT and Wharton innovation centers. She is a spokesperson for both L’Oréal’s IT Cosmetics and The American Distilling Institute. Check out her two TEDx talks, popular Real Confidence podcast and her 8 expert-endorsed books, the latest being, “ERG Intelligence: What every leader needs to know about employee groups.”

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