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The Keys to Innovation

2018 Spring Onsite Conference

April 21, 2018



Session Abstract

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Session #

Product Strategy

Using Business Models to Reduce Risk

These are not BPMN tools and useful to managers who are responsible for successful business outcomes (e.g. revenues, profits, market share).

If you ignore modeling business outcomes then you run the risk of missing important factors for success, setting unrealistic expectations and falling short of your business goals.


Robert Koshinskie


Ringbolt Consulting

Bob has been instrumental in the development, launch and sustainment of products, primarily in the medical device space, that have generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues. He has founded and worked with start-ups, and international firms, including Philips Healthcare and Laerdal Medical. Examples of his product experience include: pulmonary diagnostic systems, vital signs monitors, respiratory drug delivery devices, cytology test kits, and xenograft tissue and heart valves.

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