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The free ProductCampRTP™ onsite conference was sold out!

2023 Fall Onsite Conference

September 19, 2023
from 4:00 to 8:00pm

Session handouts and event photos are available. We hope to see you at our next event.

Session Abstract

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Session #

Product Strategy

The Two But Rule

The upcoming book from Wiley, The Two But Rule is about leveraging negative thinking to find positive solutions in product development and teamwork. John Wolpert has been a product executive for 30 years across a range of fields from technology (IBM) to retail (Best Buy) to life sciences (J&J). He's been an innovation and strategy consultant for the likes of Strategos, and is currently at Come learn how to go from getting stuck on "but that won't work" (or worse, ignoring your buts...and your ButHeads) to finding breakthroughs by always landing on "But it could work if..." For more, check out and


John Wolpert

Product Executive


John Wolpert is a global product innovation executive with both enterprise and startup experience. He specializes in new software products, platforms and ecosystems at the international, government, Fortune 100 and startup levels. His work has been instrumental in building several large, developer networks supporting software platforms and industry standards in areas from Java to AI to blockchain.

John was global product executive for IBM Blockchain and Watson. He co-founded three companies and served as the CEO of the ground-breaking ride hailing service, Flywheel. His writing on business model innovation can be found in Harvard Business Review, on substack at, and on Amazon at

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